My Website

May, 2023


I have done a bunch of projects at my house and have taken pictures and videos, but nothing too in depth. Making a website will allow me to fully capture and document all my projects in a meaningful way that people, like you, can see and make more-enformed descisions about me knowing what i am capable of and have done.
The main reason for making this website is for me to promote myself beacuse, like my dad says, no one else is going to do it for me, i have to do it myself.


I am coding this in the sunset code editor: Atom. I like Atom becasue i have been using it for a while (legacy), it looks good (aesthetics), and most importantly it works (functional).
If your wondering why i dont use VS code, its becasue their UI for mac is terrible. If they offered the windows ui for mac i would use it, but as it is right now its just bad.
Actually coding this isnt that hard, its just html, but the content part of it and writing detailed descriptions of each project is the hard part.

Post-project thoughts:

This is sort of an on going project because i hope to keep adding to my website and make it better over time, but for now i think its pretty good. It gives you the most information about me, without doxing me too. It has also been a good exersize as everyone should learn some coding/programming basics and making your own website is a relitvly easy way to do so.
