Headphone holder

May-June, 2022


My desk is made of warehouse frames and i wanted a place to put my headphones.


I designed a headphone holder that interfaces with the warehouse frames. this was the trickiest part of this short project. it took a couple iterations but after my third iteration, one finally worked.
The second crucial peice of this project is found in the 3d slicer. Print orientation was a crucial peice of this project becuase the wrong print orientation could signifigantly weaken my part as it could break along a layer line, and the correct print orientation could greaty increase the strength of my part.
luckily, i am no stranger to 3d printing and have lots of exsperiance with print orientation so this was a breeze which made this project relativly simple.

Post-project thoughts:

This is not somehting i say a lot, but i would actually improve the design of the part that interfaces with the headphones. While the part overall is fuctional, it lacks the design asthetics that are appealing to me.

3d printing
Fusion 360
Print orientation
